Saturday, March 28, 2009

Isla Mujeres

Spring Break. Not a bad idea at all. It's creation much more for the teachers than the students I believe. So, with just 8 school weeks left, LLW Donna and I are off to the tiny and beautiful island of Isla Mujeres. Flying out of Denver tomorrow morn at 8:44, and by 3 p.m. Cancun local time, we should be on the ferry to Isla. The island is a whopping 4.5 miles long and a 1/4 mile wide. Lots of sun, cerveza, and relaxing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. -- Mark Twain
Welcome to The MOMG Files. (Mean Ol' Mr. Gray)
My son Dan hooked me up with this in my continuing quest to become a little more Hi-Tech.
And because I told him that I was interested in writing some short stories,
I became a public school Music Teacher in 2001, after owning a Music store (Glenwood Music), managing a Taco Bell, and working in a ski resort as a Property Manager. This all after migrating to Colorado from Illinois after attending Northern Illinois University where I was a "Comprehensive" Music major.
Here I hope to address some of my interests, and discuss one of my favorite topics: Useless information. I steadfastly refuse to take myself too seriously, but occasionally lapse into bouts of melancholy, and do just that. I am joined in my life quest by my Lovely Little Wife Donna, and my children; Stephanie, Dan, and A.J.
My passion for MUSIC drives most of my working (Playing) hours, but I enjoy cooking, reading, a good Dominican cigar, Islay Single Malt Scotch, and a good board game.
Enjoy the ride, and feel free to comment or question.